Creation platform

Monetize your knowledge | Train employees and partners

PACKAGE YOUR ONLINE COURSE | from registration, automated payment to receiving profits immediately to your details


Who the LMSka platform is for


Online schools

Create online courses for any age group. Intuitive interface for course author and students. Progression of learning - issuing a diploma



Online courses for experts in any field. Full-fledged courses or small step-by-step instructions for mentoring and infobusinesses



Teachers or tutors to create learning cells. No need for multiple services - all online learning tools in one place


Companies, HR

Training and certification of employees, personnel selection, for HR. Training materials for dealers and franchise networks

LMSka is a universal tool for learning

Ukrainian service for learning management

  • Full set of features for course creation: differentiated rates for learners, enrollment forms, a ribbon, various types of lessons and materials: documents, links, video broadcasts
  • Quick start for student enrollment and course sales - from registration to launching an online school is just a few steps away
  • Cloud-based solution - allows you to work from any device and browser from anywhere in the world

Our capabilities are constantly being updated with new features

  • Creating and populating both paid and employee courses
  • Save all previous registrations, change statuses, export and other actions
  • Apprentice base, student offices, certificates, alumni base
  • Apprentice enrollment from the lending site with online payment option
  • Newsletters and messages, personal chats with students in the office
Complete CRM system
  • Course announcements with a full-featured landing page
  • Free website builder with wide functionality
  • Customizable blocks, themes and content
  • Registering potential students and accepting payments immediately on the site
  • Analytics and SEO for Landing
Site constructor
  • Flexible customization of registration forms with various integration options
  • Ability to create different fields or different forms for different
  • Online course payment immediately on the website after registration
  • Instant funds transfer to your payment details. 10 payment gateways and multiple currencies
  • Acquirer's commission only
Registration and payment
  • Text lessons, images, video downloads of any file format for self-learning
  • Online broadcasts from video hosting
  • Online testing and stop lessons for knowledge control
  • Open access demo lesson right on the landing page and to increase course sales
  • Manage the timing of lesson access based on dates, rate, etc.
Lesson designer
  • Stop-lesson with homework to test knowledge and monitor students' progress through the course
  • Routine assignments in the form of extended responses or the addition of student projects
  • Testing with automatic calculation of points for correct answers
  • Video homework, with webcam recording and a key of test questions to review
  • Manage attempts and deadlines for assignments
  • Access and role management (co-organizer, lecturer, etc.)
  • Allocating users to groups
  • Flexible access and assignment management
  • Separate offices for course owner, co-organizer, instructors, etc..
  • Managing deadlines and access deadlines
Access control
  • Chatbot for course ovner, for notifications of all new registrations, payments, failed payments, etc.
  • Notification of student actions in lessons and course, a new question from a student or new comments on a lesson
  • Student chatbot for notifications of new messages, reply to comments, checked assignments or new lesson
  • Possibility to connect co-organizers or lecturers to the chatbot
  • Flexible customization of chatbot notifications depending on the user's role
Chat bot
  • Chat rooms for personal communication between student and lecturers or student and course author directly in the classrooms
  • Notification of new messages requiring a reply in chatbot
  • Automate push mailings to all course registrants, with easy-to-use filters
  • Trigger mailings to prospective students based on your pre-configured scripts
  • Email and SMS capability, audience segmentation, and minutes to spare
Newsletters and chats
  • Landing page builder for registration
  • Branding of broadcasts
  • Generation of certificates according to the organizer's layout
  • Base of graduates as professionals after the course has been completed
  • User-friendly interface, gamification, white-label
  • Sophisticated points management system
  • Individual and group reports
  • Summary table of student performance
  • Exporting summary data to a file
  • General statistics on registrations and sales
  • Automatic registration of potential students and online payment. Saving registrations and changing order statuses
  • Automation of all online processes related to the processing of orders of all users interested in the course
  • Maximum flexibility of settings for course, lessons, rate types, certificates, etc..
  • Ability to set up automatic course completion by the learner instead of manual knowledge checking
  • Automatic alerts in the office for all student activities and duplicate alerts to a chatbot for convenience
  • Cloud platform
  • Access from any device and browser
  • Open API for integration with third-party CRMs
  • Improvement of functionality on request
  • Transfer of training from other platforms

For online schools and infobusinesses and infobusinesses and infobusinesses

  • Creation of any number of courses of various topics and directions
  • Online enrollment of students for the course, possibility to create your own webpage
  • Accepting payments from students for courses
  • Ability to set up differentiated access to courses with different sets of lessons, materials and costs
  • Bringing in outside teachers and assigning them access to specific lessons
  • Ability to limit course access time or copy the course to different groups of learners
  • Giving online certificate to students after completion of the course


For companies and HR

  • Automating management tasks and simplifying the work of department heads on employee training and development
  • Easy recruitment and training of new employees
  • Reduced costs for staff training and development
  • Reduction of training time
  • Rapid retraining of personnel and implementation of innovations
  • Reducing errors in the work of employees, increasing sales and profits of the company
  • Different lesson formats and types of assignments, automatic test checking


Access roles, CRM system, reports and analytics

Give access to your course to tutors, lecturers or even sales managers. Each of them can perform their own functions: fill the course with materials, check homework or work with unpaid orders and successfully sell your course. At your disposal: Full-fledged CRM system, Kanban for order processing, Dashboard with statistics, registration and sales reports. And also a progress table for better understanding of student learning, rating of the best students or analytics of lesson completion. Comments and feedback on lesson and course.


Versatility and flexibility

The universal settings of the platform allow you to conduct not only paid or free courses in any field, but also training and adaptation of company employees. The flexibility of all LMSka platform functions allows you to implement various ideas for course content, student training, or conditions for their evaluation. Tools to increase the profit of paid courses, or manual moderation to select the audience of free courses, individual training schemes with bonus lessons or a database of the best graduates of the course - all this is available in one office.


Launching an online school in a few steps

LMSka is a system for course creation, learning management and corporate education


Create a course based on the Lesson Builder based on the Lesson Builder

  • Stop-lessons
  • Demo lessons
  • Online broadcasts
  • Video tutorials
  • Text lessons and presentations

Schedule different types of homework assignments

  • Stop-lessons
  • Adding projects
  • Testing
  • Verification through video assignments

Create a landing page for course announcements and promotion

  • Site builder
  • It's convenient to build a page out of blocks
  • Analytics and seo settings for the site

Manage registrations, payments, orders

  • Registration forms with different integration options
  • Online course payment 24/7
  • Transfer of money immediately to your details
  • All order and student data is stored in the CRM system.

Build a networking course

  • Communication chats between learner and lecturer or between learner and course author
  • Notification of access to a new lesson, checking homework or requiring revision
  • Push and trigger mailings based on your scripts.

Manage access and explore analytics

  • Provide different roles for course organizers, lecturers, or assistants to test knowledge
  • Put students in groups
  • Analyze student achievement levels
  • Keep control of the speed and quality of learning with a point system, flexible reports and a progress table.

LMSka for onboarding - develop corporate culture

Create an electronic knowledge base of the company once and automate all recruitment processes, training of new employees and retraining of existing personnel

Corporate Academy

Create your Corporate Academy

  • To keep employees on the same page with common corporate values
  • Help staff to prove themselves, improve their knowledge, and advance in their careers
  • To motivate staff to achieve individual goals and coordinate with company goals
Hire truly professional people

Hire truly professionals by putting candidates through testing and courses

  • Create test cases to select candidates for vacancies
  • Create courses for quick adaptation and familiarization with the company
  • Help candidates to prove themselves at the start of the job and top managers to understand the skill level of employees
Increase loyalty

Increase the loyalty of your partners

  • Set up the course once for dealers or franchisees and open up access when you need it
  • Increase franchise profitability and scale up after training and networking within the community.

Full-fledged CRM system for online training of all kinds + mobile app



15 days for FREE

Mobile app
Large selection of payment systems

Accept payments through


What they say about LMSka

Надія Коваленко

Ми раніше вже користувались сервісом для онлайн курсів. Все наче й влаштовувало, але потрібно було сайт створити, самим налаштувати реєстрації і прийняти оплати, а потім вручну робити кабінети учням на платформі з курсом. Вони могли й самі там реєструватись, але це незручно просити учня реєструватись ще десь. В LMSka дуже зручно, що все в одному місці. Учні реєструються, платять і тут же отримують доступ до курсу, не потрібно нічого робити вручну. Всі матеріали зразу їм доступні, а у нас є всі реєстрації.

Serhei Petrenko

У нас специфическая тематика курса и далеко не дешево. Учеников не много, но они из разных стран. Поэтому искали платформу, которая позволит принимать платежи разными методами и в разных валютах, в том числе и в крипте. Lmska для этого подошла как нельзя лучше.

Віктор Карпенко

Мені дуже подобається що все в одному місці і сайт можна зробити, і сам курс. Але конструктор сайтів це прям 🔥🔥🔥! Раніше сайт був окремо від платформи з курсом, на тільді, за яку я окремо платив. А в лмсці конструктор сайтів нічим не гірше і додатково платити за нього не треба. Купа блоків, вибирай любий, як хочеш налаштовуй, свої фони завантажуються є блок який взагалі можеш сам все зробить як реально конструктор. Дуже круто, рекомендую!

Mariia Nalyvaichenko

Довго користувались зручною платформою, але російською, бо не бачили альтернатив в Україні. Все було супер до 24 лютого. Шукали швидко куди з'їхати, бо бажання працювати там більше не було. Виявилось, що альтернативи в нашій країні є і доволі непогані, по функціоналу ні трохи не гірші. Дякую LMSka за швидкий переїзд і допомогу з налаштуванням.

Henadii Korchynskyi

У ЛМСка есть база учеников - когда все кто успешно прошел наш курс не просто получают диплом, а еще и попадают на общую доску кандидатов. И мы можем их рекомендовать как постоянных сотрудников или исполнителей на какие-то разовые проекты. Нам важно, чтоб у нас не просто были качественные курсы, а чтобы наши ученики могли применить полученные знания и найти себе работу или дополнительный заработок. Мы помогаем им найти работу как минимум на фрилансе и это сразу дает + к рейтингу наших курсов. Соответственно так мы можем больше учеников привлечь на курс т.к. они сразу понимают выгоду от покупки курса именно у нас.

Олена Олексієнко

Мені подобається лмска, бо тут дуже зручно бачити результати роботи учнів. Є уроки і завдання - є картка учасників. Дивишся які уроки пройшов, дз здав/не здав, яку оцінку отримав. А є таблиця успішності по всім учням. Мені це важливо, бо коли я бачу, що один і той же урок займає багато часу у всіх, то розумію, що для наступної групи його краще спростити чи зробити взагалі 2 уроки. Або ж навпаки бачу де додати дз чи ще матеріалів, бо в коментарях пишуть що все елементарно просто.